OFE 101
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I just picked up this new subject, OFE 101. It's a wierd subject, "Ordering Food Etiquette 101".. who needs to know how to order? Jeez, u just point or say whatever U want and u get it after a couple of minutes or so.. SO why did I pick this subject up? Well... to teach all fellow readers Robbstar "Ordering Food Etiquette 101". That's right! I'm gonna teach U how to order food just like yours trully, Robbstar... hahah
So without further ado let's begin!
Chapter 1: Ordering Fast Food
You *can be with or without friends* enter, line up and browse the menu shown above the heads of the cashiers. Squint your eye as the menu's backlight is a little bright and the colour of the menu is too contrasting... Deliberate between Value Meal 3 & 4 *can be any 2, whicever you prefer* and when the cashier says "Good Afternoon / Good Night / Good Morning" Tell her U want Value Meal 5 *can be any value meal that wasn't in consideration before*, oh and tell them U don't want coke but Sprite *or any other drink that's to your liking*....
Chapter 2: Ordering Food at a new Restaurant which has a host or hostest *new restaurant meaning one that you ayhve never been to, therefore new to U*

Part 1: Wait for the host or hostest to bring You *with or without company* to your table. Always ask for the seat that the host or hostest didn't bring you to, unless of course if the table given to you is too tempting to reject! Sit down and skim through the menu, roughly estimating the number of pages. If you have company, comment on the number of pages the menu has, ie. "wah! this menu so thick." 'Why the menu look so... one kind one?" Do comment on the pictures in there as well, ie "wah this one looks nice! *while pointing eagerly and showing companion* "why the pictures look so unappetising one..." "wah! see also want to eat!" *If you have noticed, the word "WAH" further exaggesrates things*
Part 2: Fight with yourself over what dish and drink to order. Get the waiter/ waitresses attention and ask her, "what's good here?"
All good waiters & waitresses would say "everything is good!"
A smart waiter /waitress would say "it depends on what one likes, what do you like?"
A very brave waiter/ waitress would say "Honestly speaking, if you looking for good food, you are at the wrong place because we only serve EXCELLENT food here." *i haven't come across one like this yet*
As the answers are almost never satisfactory you ask a different question "what would u recommend?" Let the waiter / waitress tell you the chef's recommendation etc etc... then explain, "I don't eat beef" *or any eating preferences* Waiter/ waitress goes "oh, then........ la la la...." U go "I see....." Then always order a dish that the waiter/ waitress recommended, we wouldn't want a bad experience now would we?
Next we head to ordering drinks... Now certain rules apply
1. Choose anything that seems nice *try not to order the tried and tested, you are in a new place, try something new for goodness knows sake*
2. if you are on a budget, don't pick the most expensive, if you are not, choose as you please... If you are flat broke and don't fancy any special drinks to compliment your meal, ask if the restaurant serves plain water...
3. Now the following rule is a must.
As a restaurant with a host or hostest would definitely have fanciful drinks made of a certain amount of juices or even delightfully refreshing cocktails. Ask what this "mixed up" drinks are made of.... Of course if it's already written down, don't be an arse and ask again... After this choose whichever U fancy or.... pick one that isn't a "mixed up" drink, cause the "mixed up" drink jsut made u more confused than ever...
Chapter 3: Ordering at kiosks
In this instance, my understanding of kiosks that sell food or beverages are those that suddenly pop out of the usual shop unit and seems out of place one way or another, they might seem in place, but when it's disappeared, you don't even realise that there was even a shop there before...
Again like in Chapter 1, analyse the menu above the cashier/cook's head.
Part 1: For food
Struggle a little and choose the most tempting of the menu. Announce your order to the cashier/ cook then pause a little and ask "Nice ah?". The cashier / cook would generally say, yeah but if you encounter an honest one, he or she would say "not bad lar, but I prefer the other one" You consider the other one and say "Ok lar.. I take that"
Part 2: For beverages *smoothie bar, juice bar*
Ask what are in the menu's beverages if it's not listed in the menu. Ask for a recommendation. Try to accept the cashier/ barista's recommendation... pay and happily enjoy the drink / smoothie or ice cream or whatever...
That is almost the end of the course, there are a few odd ends that need to be answered first
1. Beverage is included in OFE 101 because a good companion of Food is Drinks!
2. OFE 101 is to give a little insight into how the Robbstar orders, one need not follow, it's at best an odd ordering guide...
Summary of this 3 chapter course
1. If you are unsure, always ask.
2. Be curious
3. Always accept the recommendation of the person working there.
4. Always deliberate while ordering
Now after reading the summary, 3 questions will pop up...
1. The first summary doesn't need further questioning so there are no questions..
2. Why must I be curious?
Easy, by being curious, u open up yourself to new things. You get to know what are a restaurant's specialties, what certain beverages are made of.
3. Why must i accept other people's recommendation? Can't I make my own?
You can make your own, but it's riskier that way.... To enjoy one's first encounter with a restaurant, it's better to taste the tried and tested, these dishes would normally be the best, IF the waiter / waitress was a good one to start of with. If the experience wasn't satisfactory, you can always vow to "never return" because of poor recommendation and no one can blame you.
4. Why must I deliberate while ordering? That is so wierd...
By deliberating, you show ur uncertainty, and when the waiter or waitress or whoever that was serving you picks up on this signal would lead you into the direction that enables you to have a wonderful consuming experience.
With that, OFE 101 has ended, there wouldn't be any test, by commenting, one would get an A+ and free from anymore ordering qualms *LOL*Labels: Gibberish, Review, Thoughts
Robbstar froze at 9:37 pm