The Return of...
Monday, April 02, 2007
A few months back "Blackie" posted a missing notice to search for his best bud "Beary Fishy" and Blackie says thank you for everyone's help in the "search". To refresh the minds of the readers here's the entry about Blackie in search of his best bud Beary Fishy. Now the search has ended with very good news indeed as....

U saw right! Beary Fishy has been found! Boy was it a long search but what an accomplishment. When all was lost, hope appeared and alas there was Beary Fishy! Now Beary Fishy would like to say a few words. he following entry will be continued by him and only him.
Hello readers of this wonderfully blue blog! My name is Beary Fishy. U could call me Beary, Fishy, Bearish or Bearishy but never bear fish! I don't give birth to fishes for heaven's sake. Today is the first day I reached home and boy what a wonderful feeling.
Since Blackie me best bud spoke of how I left on the day before Chinese New Year eve to catch some fish, I shall tell my story of where I went and what happened to me all this while.
I reached my favourite lake on the eve of Chinese New Year. I stayed in a chalet by the lake the day before so that I would have a nice spot to fish on the next day. On that day I rented a teeny weeny boat to get to where the BEST fishes were. With my short hands I was lucky to have not tire down before I even reached my destination! I was there awhile before it started raining cats and dogs and wow! how large the cats and dogs were!
I had to paddle back as the cats from the rain were scaring all the fishes away. So no fish for Balckie and me then. :( The rain grew heavier with every single row and soon the teeny weeny boat was filled with water! I had to row with one hand and scoop the water out with another. I was quite unsuccesful as I ended up paddling round and round making circles in the lake, the boat was also too full to be salvaged. I stood up to try to call for HELP! I stood and lost my balance and fell head first. As I went down my head hit something hard and I soon passed out.
The next thing I know I woke up in a wooden house with a little bandage round my head. I tried waking up but my head was throbbing. Soon a lady and a man came in, they were speaking some foreign language which I could not comprehend. I just stared at them with my slit eyes to try and figure out what they were talking about. They didn't realise I was awake cause my eyes always seem closed anyway.
I soon gathered that they saved me from that rainy day. Soon i felt better and talk a walk around the kampung that's the word for a village, I learned that from one of the villagers. It was a village by the sea, oh what a beautiful sight! It was a sight to behold! Soft white sand glistening in the sun, crystal clear sea waters with lapping waves slowing easing it's way to the beach. Heck! I was probably in heaven already but alas I wasn't!
I was brought into a boat the very next morning. It was a fishing boat,I was ordered to catch fishes and for all this while that I was gone I had been catching fishes everyday. These fishes were even bigger than me! I had little to eat but lots to do. I rarely had any sleep too. I am so glad that kind souls saved me from that sweat shop!
Everyday I had to slave through the fishing, then there were the paddy fields that had to be worked. The only time I had any rest was when that man I saw on my first day here went away. I soon found out from my clever deductions that home was only a short distance away. I devised a plan to runaway as soon as my chance came.
One day, the owner left me alone at his paddy field. He said he would be back in a minute. I jumped on that chance and hitched hike my way back here. I was picked up by none other than the kind souls who brought me back. On my way back I saw posters of me! They were everywhere! Blackie must have missed me tonnes.
I reached home and saw a different Blackie. He looked more sad yet he was glad when he saw me. Not jumping with joy just a little smile and a little hug. I think he was terrified by me as he kept pretending to sleep. After my saviours were gone I looked for him and
asked him "what's wrong Blackie?"
he said:"U seem different."
I said:"Different? in what way?"
He said: "In everyway!" and ran out.
I was a little hurt by his actions. I don't feel any difference in me. I looked for a mirror and boy some major changes had indeed taken place! I was much larger now, my body was also more developed, my eyes are more slanting now. If U were me ur eyes would slant the way mine did too. Even the fish I brought back for Blackie was much much larger! it was even bigger than him. I tried to adapt my changes. I was much stronger now. Like what Blackie said, I WAS different!
I waited for him to return for dinner. He came back but he still looked sad. We had dinner and he said I rarely talked about all things fish anymore. He said he missed the old Beary Fishy, the Beary Fishy that was his best bud where they shared everything, thier meals, stories, clothes, time, basically everything. Now I ate more, talked less, had large clothes that Blackie couldn't even wear, it'll just slip right out from under him!
Blackie talked very little during tonight's dinner. He did the washing. He didn't eat the fish I brought back. He said it wasn't bite size anymore. I felt painful inside, I was wondering if he even missed me during my days away. Maybe I am not adjusting well or Blackie isn't adjusting well to the new me. I promised that the old Beary Fishy and I are one and the same. Blackie jsut couldn't accept it. Maybe time will tell and he'll slowly warm up to me.
As for now I'll try my best and see how it works. Oh how I wish I didn't go out fishing that day, how I wish I rented a big boat instead of a teeny weeny boat, how I wih I could understand the language that my captors spoke, how I wish I could runaway much earlier, how I wish I didn't know how to fish! Oh how I wish Blackie would just understand how I feel right now... I just want my one and only best friend back...
Beary Fishy
Labels: Gush, Thoughts
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