Il Mare or The Lake House?
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I finally saw The Lake House after a pretty long time of waiting... and well it kinda met expectations... though some parts fell a little short... since I have seen both the original and the remake.. I shall start comparing... *there might be a little biasness as I kinda like Jeon Ji Hyeon, hahaha *
The Lake House

is the remake of "Il Mare" or "Siworae"
Time to compare
Female lead leaves house and leaves a letter in the letter box to inform the next owner about a letter she is waiting for and send it to the new address. The male lead moves in and finds the letter except that it doesn't make sense because the male lead is the first owner of the house. One lives in the future the other lives in the past. They live 2 years apart. Soon they start exchanging letters and find out that the letter box is kinda "possesed" *hahah* and ultimately they both fall in love. But then something happens and some one must stop it from happening.
Ok both movies share the same storyline except that some smaller details are changed a little.
Il Mare: Had a pretty smooth storyline. The love between the male lead and female lead had a build up and the time they spent "together" was a joy to watch. There were no major loopholes.
The Lake House: Although it kinda followed "Il Mare" the storyline was a kinda choppy and some parts of it were not really connected as the storyline was changed a little to give Sandra Bullock a smarter role. Some things didn't make sense like the letter which Sandra Bullock is waiting for.... who is she waiting for? or what letter is she waiting for? The questions were not answered. And how Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves started the relationship was pretty quick... they suddenly asked personal questions about each other and each of them complied... odd...
Verdict: Il Mare's was smoother not choppy too which is already a very good thing.
The House
Il Mare: The house in this movie is by the sea and was built by the male lead's father for the male elad to show his love for his estranged son. This house by the lake is pretty nice... pretty liveable too.. I think...
The Lake House: The house in this movie is by the lake and was built by the male lead's Dad is a tribute to his wife or rather show his love for her. What a beautiful glass house, it's like my fantasy house by the sea. Plus there's a tree in the middle! So cool! The location however seemed a little eerie due to the fact taht there were a lot of tall grasses surrounding the road towards the house.
Verdict: I prefer the Il Mare house cause it's liveable and doesn't have an eerie surrounding. The lake house one kinda lacked privacy... Well it's all glass what did U expect?
Now for the actors!
The character - An Architect who just came back from somewhere and moved into the movie title's house. He recieves a wierd mail and starts exchanging letters with the writer of the mail. Soon he falls in love with the writer of the mail. He is estranged from his father because of what happened in the pass. After the death of his father, he realises how muchhis Dad actually loves him. This is where the similarity ends.
Il Mare's Lee Jung Jae
After falling in love with the female lead, he tries to stop something from happening which proves fatal for him. Lee Jung Jae grasped the role pretty well. I could feel his hatred for his Dad and his love for the female lead. Ah! in Il Mare, Lee Jung Jae character builts a house for Jeon Ji Hyeon's character to show how much he loves her I guess.
The Lake House's Keanu Reeves

In this remake, Keanu Reeves's character has a brother and actually talks to his Dad. I didn't really feel the hatred the character ahd with his Dad. They actually seemed to have a relationship working for them. Probably that's why i didn't feel the hatred for his Dad. Keanu Reeves's character is a very desperate man I must say. He feels so eager to meet Sandra Bullocks character!
Verdict: Lee Jung Jae. Much better acting. Seriously! and I preferred Lee Jung Jae's role. much more manly I would say and wasn't as desperate as Keanu Reeves's character.
Now for the tougher part, the actresses!
This is much tougher as the scriptwriters changed the characters.
First up, Il Mare's Jeon Ji Hyeon
Jeon Ji Hyeon's character works as a voice actress * does voice over for children's programmes*. She left a letter in the letter box of the house by the sea to tell the next owner of the house to send a mail she is waiting for to her. She is actually waiting for a letter from her "boyfriend" which went "dunno where" to study. She has been waiting for about 2 years if I remember correctly. She always felt that she shouldn't have let him go that's why she feels quite miserable actually.
Now for the lake house's Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullocks character is a doctor and like Jeon Ji Hyeon's character left a letter in the letter box of the lake house to tell the next owner to send any letter addressed to her to her new address. From whom the letter she is waiting for was not answered. The scripwriters kinda cut it out from the film I guess. She is msot probably waiting for a letter from her ex-boyfriend i guess but that doesn't make sense as her ex actually gets to call her up and go for dinner... so what letter is she actually waiting for?? She too didn't want to break up with her bf *i think* but somethings just happen.
Verdict: It's hard to compare as both did a good job grasping the characters. But ultimately Jeon Ji Hyeon's character makes much more sense. *maybe cause i like Jeon Ji Hyeon, hahaha *
Fine Moments
Il Mare: When the main characters throw pasta at the wall and when they go out "together".
The Lake House: the image of the Lake House. hahahha frankly speaking, there wasn't much fine moments. the cool part would be when Keanu Reeves booked a table for 2 years later.... and when Sandra Bullock told the name of the reservation to the hostess... heheh
Ultimately I prefer Il Mare over the Lake House some people might think otherwise. There are some things which the Lake House was better. It wasn't as slow as Il Mare that is the plus side. Oh and the Lake House has more characters too... hahaha
To be frank there were stuff in both shows that I didn't like.
For Il mare it was the ending. It would have been more captivating should they not have met in the end. Yeah I know people like happy endings but it would have been nicer if Jeon Ji Hyeon's character wasn't able to stop Lee Jung Jae's character from doing what he wanted to do.
For The Lake House it was the weak storyline. It wasn't woven properly. If it were a piece of clothing it would have been torn up a long time ago. There were plenty of holes that no one would even wear it *that might be a little too exaggerating* but Il Mare definitely wins hands down!Labels: Movie, Review, Thoughts
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